
Slave: The Hidden Truth About Your Identity In Christ
by John MacArthur

Slave: The Hidden Truth About Your Identity In Christ
by John MacArthur

So many times during Sunday School class and even while sitting in the sanctuary listening to the sermon, we will hear verses of servitude being preached. What we never realize is that “servant” is not the word that God wanted us to hear--we are not supposed to be choosers of our faithfulness to God. No, the original Hebrew translation, ‘ebed, means “slave.” John MacArthur shows us in his book, Slave, that a simple change in translation can lead to very different views of our dedication to Christ. We are not meant to follow him by choice. God will call us, and we will relinquish everything to serve him on this earth as his wholly committed slaves.
MacArthur walks the reader carefully through his explanation of this “slave” word. After all, in today’s society (particularly in America), the word holds a bad connotation. Slave explains to the reader what the word originally meant for the common Roman society during Biblical times. A slave was bound to its master, to be faithful and loyal in every task. In return, a slave was cared for; they were provided with shelter, provisions, and other basic needs that even the free poor people of the times were not assured. MacArthur shows the reader that God is our good and benevolent master, who will care for us and provide for us, while we dedicate our lives to pleasing him as his faithful slaves.
I enjoyed Slave thoroughly. I was a bit weary to the idea of viewing Christians as slaves--no matter how true and right it is, it can be hard to understand (and explain to others!). But John MacArthur explained it in a way that made sense, by guiding me through the actual meaning of the word in Biblical society and showing me how it applies to my life now. Slave provides the foundation for much deeper studying and research with annotations in its pages for further readings. It is a good read that provokes a lot of thought and intrigue. I read this book in one sitting in front of a fire in my living room, and enjoyed every minute of it. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to understand and appreciate the paramount paradox of being a Christian: that there is ultimate freedom in being a slave of God.
Disclosure of Material Connection:
I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
1 comment:
Kimberly, love the word paradox. You have made me desire this book. To me a paradox is not either/or but both/and. So much of our faith, as we draw closer to GOD is seen as a paradox. He can not be explained or described plainly by us, HE is GOD Almighty. Thank you!!!
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